It takes a community to raise a child.

Me, on the left and Vilas County Foster Closet Coordinator, Kelly, on the right!

We live in a world in which we need to share responsibility. It’s easy to say, “it’s not my child, not my community, not my world, not my problem.” Then there are those who see the need and they respond. I consider those people my heroes. 

-Fred Rogers

Chances are that Fred Roger’s words are what brought you to my blog, and I can’t blame you. These words are the truth of how we mostly live our lives, and I get it! I really do, it is SO easy to get wrapped up in the day to day, to become overwhelmed with our own situations and never think of another’s. Fortunately we are all given opportunities to be heroes; whether it’s by big actions or small acts of kindness, WE CAN make a difference in other’s lives. 

Most of you reading this know that I didn’t have an easy childhood, and as a child it was sometimes the simplest acts done for me that I remember most, now as an adult. 

Like a cold winter day when a family friend walked all the way across town to walk my little sisters and I to school, because he knew we’d be walking alone, or that time my fathers parole agent went out of her way to buy us school supplies, and NOT the cheap ones. Those small little things let me know that there is good in this world. 

Then there were the big things, like being 12 and my best friend’s family having me move in with them, or that time when my grandmother was the only thing standing between three unruly children and them possibly being separated in foster care. Those actions are the ones that told me I was loved and I wasn’t alone. 

I PRIDE myself on having played a bad hand really well, but I like to give credit where credit’s due and those people were my heroes. The light they gave me lit the path to where I am today. 

And today, I would like to tell you about some heroes’ in our Northwood’s community. Foster Closets, specifically the Vilas County Foster Closet. A Non profit organization ran by real people, real heroes. 

I was recently given the honor of sitting down at “The Daily Grind” in Eagle River, for coffee with Kelly; She is the closet coordinator for Vilas County, to say that she inspired me is an understatement. This organization started up just around 5 years ago, and I am astonished at the great things it’s been able to do while being so young; especially with its first 5 years happening during the uneasiness that Covid brought to the world. 

These organizations help families in a wide range of ways. Starting with, of course, basic needs a family has when taking care of children: clothing, toiletries, etc. 

Educational services are also provided to biological parents on how to properly care for their children when reunification processes begin. This is so important! 

Recently, this organization has started working on independent living situations for young adults aging out of the system. This is HUGE! 

A new addition to the closet is an APS section(adult protective services) this section serves adults at risk in Vilas County with some of the needs they may have! 

What’s not so obvious is that while this organization helps foster families it also helps children in kinship care as well. This is when children are being cared for by family members other than their parents, whether that be grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. 

Why is this organization necessary? 

In Vilas County, there are currently 70 children in foster care, and 15 in kinship care. If we are being realistic there are probably a whole lot more in kinship care, but those cases aren't always reported. 

Those numbers are the only reason I need to want to help this awesome organization. 

How can you help the situation in Vilas County? 

The foster closet is ran solely off of donations and volunteer work. There is a facebook page called, “The Vilas County Foster Closet,” that regularly posts items they are in need of! Monetary donations are also appreciated!

Interested in donating to foster closets in Iron or Oneida County, go ahead and connect with their counties social services offices to find out what they need!

Don't live in the Northwoods and want to donate to your county of residence, do the same!!

Just go out there and be the kind of hero you want in your life. 

With lather and love, 

Mommy & Max. 


Are you living the dream?